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Nick Esch

Welcome to the about me page and my work. For a more in depth history of my journey from decorative artist (such as the image above of Claridges Foyer) to fine artist check my blog section if you are interested. Basically, like so many of us, my life has been a complicated journey… From being a successful decorative painter, being commissioned all over the world, something was missing and so whenever I had a break between commissions I always painted my own work. I think my more recent work, although still figurative and traditional to a degree, still tells a story. More recently I have been painting the things I ‘missed’, taking a simple object but really looking at it for the first time, because for many years I was unable to ‘see’ anything beautiful, especially when my life took some darker turns. But I am beginning to develop my own language and subject matter and this is an ever ongoing story….as it should be, as I believe no artist should stand still. I try to be honest in what I see and the recent sales I have had seem to prove there is a market for my work and I am finally living the life I have always wanted, as a fine artist!

The only thing I consistently won at school was the Art Prize! When I wasn’t in the head master’s office I would be out painting or drawing. This early work doesn’t feature in my website as for me it was too dark, too personal. I learnt I could vent my confusion and the pain of growing up through imagery, but I don’t believe I need to show that now. I learnt that I could create my own world, a sanctuary almost, by picking up a pencil, a stick of charcoal or a brush….

Working with Nick


I offer a mentoring service to anyone of any level who wants to improve their drawing and painting skills. I will also be running workshops and painting holidays in the future so please contact me or sign up to my mailing list for more information

Creativity Has No


Working with Me – Art

If I am commissioned by any client I will firstly listen to what they want. I may then suggest alternatives, but am happy to work with the client all the way through. If I am paying for something personal to me, I would expect the artist to really value those things that I want, and I do my my best to create that in return. I am a collaborative artist rather than being too ego driven, however I will be quite determined in my vision and as an artist I insist on my own compositions and light sources, however I will work with the client to achieve what they want by involving them in the selection process of images I may use and explain why, and I keep a dialogue going throughout the process. I prefer to work from life but appreciate this isnt always possible, especially when painting children, so I do use photographic reference sometimes. However I do not ‘copy’ the photo, I often work with several, as there is something timeless about a painting not replicated in a photograph. It also means that the client can be anywhere in the world, rather than having to be around the corner! I find the English in particular worry about the vanity aspect or perhaps having a feeling of it being a rather self indulgent pursuit to have a portrait painted, but just remember a painting will last generations and I am lucky to have many family portraits of close relatives going back a way and they always give me such pleasure and are deeply personal. Also having your child painted is a way of capturing a valuable period in ones life, before that child becomes an adult and everything that brings, and its the innocence and character of that child that I love to capture.

Working with Me – Design

I have always loved design, from Interiors, furniture and chairs in particular as well as vintage glass and decorative objects. I used to run a large furniture business selling vintage (40’s to the 70’s) furniture when I lived in London. I still take on interesting Interiors, for example I recently completed the design and furnishing of the “Pink Lloyd’s” nightclub at Voewood House in Norfolk, an amazing Arts and Crafts house with a very eclectic owner! I also have a faithful few clients, whom I have loved working with over many years. I am lucky that most have stayed with me and will call me if they have a new project! I absolutely love doing an interior, but as with painting commissions I very much work with a client’s own taste, in art or furniture, making sure it all works cohesively, collaborating with the client all the way through. I do not believe in stamping my mark all over my client’s house, but rather provide a service very much working with you and your interests and collections to produce a room that almost doesn’t look like you have employed a designer at all…..A lot of trust is involved and I like to think I respect that trust. My work has appeared in a few books on interesting Interiors as well as numerous magazine features over the years. Because of my early training in restoration and conservation, I also have worked in many stately homes often re-instating their original style and grandeur. I have also taken on corporate work, doing several Hedge Fund offices in London, to give the offices a much more residential feel.

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